Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's next?

So I've explained to you, dear reader, the circumstances surrounding my recent loss of employment. So what, you may ask, have I been doing in the meantime?

Well, after I packed up my desk, I came home, put all that stuff in the garage, and sat down to block my show. I had signed up for unemployment already, so that was taken care of. I decided that, while I was going to actively look for a job, I was going to give myself a week to just do nothing. Which is pretty much what I did. I kind of wandered around the house in my pajamas until 2 or 3 each day, then had a shower and headed to school for rehearsals. By this point we were down to 1 car, since the one we had borrowed since the accident had to be returned  - which turned out to be for the best, but that's probably not a story for here.

So after that week I started looking online for job opportunities. The first thing I learned was that, well, there's not a lot out there. But that was ok, I'm flexible. I learned that many places won't even let you walk in and fill out an application - they make you do it online. Not a huge deal, but I thought that was a bit odd.

Christmas came and went. Not the best Christmas ever, but I still had a roof over my head, and was not missing any meals, so nothing to complain about. New Years eve was quiet. Got home early, and sat up watching the Three Stooges Marathon. January was busy in rehearsals and looking online daily for work. February came, and still no work. Had my resume out there on the job search sites, and got a few hits, but it was all junk. The show went great; the cast were all wonderful and kept me sane. The little catholic mafia at St. Mary's got a little upset with me, which added some well needed comedy relief. Jazz Fest came around and was a great time. My mom lost her job of over 10 years, and they were (and as of today still are) denying her the unemployment benefits that she earned. We're appealing, but they are holding fast. Cocksucking motherless fucks.

Just so everyone is clear: Laurel Lake Retirement Community in Hudson, Ohio is operated by complete and total assholes who have ZERO concept of loyalty to employees. They WILL fire you for trumped up reasons in order to replace you with part time employees making less money and no benefits. I am currently putting together information to show that this is and has been an ongoing pattern. They are 100% scumbags. 

Then March rolled around. I applied for, and was hired by a company that provides support for a large insurance company when a large natural disaster (hurricane, tropical storm, tornado, earthquake) occurs. The good news is that when such a thing does happen, there are plenty of hours available at a pretty good hourly wage. The bad news is that unless such a thing happens, there is no work, and therefore no pay. But, they hired me, so that's a good thing.

Then on St. Patrick's Day, I got an interesting phone call....which I will tell you about later.

1 comment:

  1. Laurel Lake Retirement Community is AWFUL. They hire the most incompetent supervisors and treat their employees like shit. I got out after a few months. And wrote a review like you wouldn't believe! Ugh they are awful.
