Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A brief interlude...

Just a brief interlude before we continue our story...

I spent my Saturday morning/afternoon actually working. Got a little spur of the moment job doing some cleaning and straightening for the business of the parent of one of my drama kids. As a bonus, I got a loaf of fresh baked bread! The work wasn't that hard, but after not doing anything since the end of November, I was a bit worn out when 4:00 rolled around.

Went and picked up the wife from work (we're down to 1 car now, unfortunately) and came home for a quick nap before my gig.

Woke up later than I wanted to, changed clothes and headed out to the gig. It was a 9:30 gig, so I wanted to be there 7 - 7:30ish to set up first. I put a large oriental rug down first, before I set the drums up, and it's better if all the mic, speaker and power cables are on top of the rug, rather than under it. Got there at 8:00, and there were still people eating dinner where we were supposed to set up, so it turned out that I wasn't late. We got set up, and were waiting to go on when Alicia got there. I haven't seen her since my wedding, so it was nice to chat and catch up. We went on at 9:30 and things were going great!

During the break between the 1st and 2nd set, my friend Carrie showed up - she now wins the prize for longest distance traveled to a gig. She came from Boston! It was nice catching up with her, too. When the second set began, Alicia and Carrie really enjoyed themselves - and got quite a few other people into it, too. Sadly, I did not get flashed during the medley, but Bob did get his belly rubbed.

During the break between sets 2 and 3, our bass player disappeared. After looking everywhere for him - and I mean everywhere - we decided to start without him. His nephew was there that night, and he's a great guitar player, so we asked him to sit in on bass, which he did. During our 3rd tune, in walks the bass player, followed by one of our female fans, who is doing the Walk Of Shame. So I got to make blowjob jokes for the rest of the night. Aggravating, to say the least.

Spent Sunday sleeping, then de-christmasing the house. Monday we saw Sherlock Holmes with the wife's parents, followed by some dinner, a visit to Cookie at "The Resort," and fresh tortilla chips with the in-laws.

Tuesday I visit an allergist - FINALLY - to try to find out why my body tried to kill itself twice in October and November. I'll explain that later.

Today was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It makes me sad to see that they give kids the day off from school, rather than keeping them in school and teaching them about Dr. King's message. I was going to ask the kids I saw coming and going at the movie theatre if they knew who he was and what he stood for, but I was worried that I'd get arrested. Plus, I was kind of afraid of the answers I was going to get. We've come so far, but still have so far to go. Sigh.

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